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About Us

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St. Louis (STL) Smartphones buys, sells and recycles consumer electronics. Our mission is to keep electronics in circulation and place electronics in the hands of individuals and organizations that will extend their useful lifespan. 


Our passion for servicing mobile electronics grew from our love for recycling. The U.S. is the 2nd largest producer of e-waste and we know that by providing a bit of TLC we can keep these potentially hazardous electronics in the market. We take comfort in knowing that our service helped to keep someone else's environment clear of the many hazardous elements in our discarded electronics. If a device is "beyond repair" we entrust our partners to ethically recycle them for their precious metals, and minerals. 


We are based in St. Louis, Missouri which provides a convenient geographic location for delivering to customers in a timely fashion and access to a metro region of 2 million people for collecting a range of electronics. 



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